mcossa remAct 32 is a law that reforms and standardizes the local earned income tax system. The appointment of collection responsibility falls on countywide committees made up of representatives from local municipalities and school districts. The committees established tax collection districts and elected tax officers to collect the Earned Income Tax (EIT).
Act 32 requires uniform withholding of earned income taxes and remittance to a single local collector or Tax Officer. The Act applies to the earned income taxes levied and collected after December 31, 2011.
Employers must begin to withhold the local EIT from employees on January 1, 2012. Appointed tax officers start collecting the EIT on January 1, 2012, unless the tax collection district has opted for early implementation.
As mandated by Act 32 the Lackawanna Tax Collection Committee began forming in 2009. It consists of representatives from the 46 Taxing Districts within Lackawanna County. After extensive research the committee chose Berkheimer Associates as the official Lackawanna County Tax Officer for the period beginning January 1, 2012.